zsolt faludi― the art of tea

Ancient tradition and Zen simplicity imbue the latest works of Zsolt Faludi which are inspired by the Japanese Tea Ceremony.

This intricate ritual, which dates back to the 9th century, embraces Zen Buddism and its pursuit of harmony, purity and tranquillity. Qualities perfectly expressed in the beautifully sublime teapots and teacups that Zsolt has chosen for Handmark’s Still Life exhibition.

All Zsolt’s pieces have been specifically created for the Japanese tea ceremony and are based on Zen philosophy. Simplicity is evoked with fluidity. Purity of colour, and clay in its natural state, creates a feeling of harmony with nature.

“The tea ceremonies are a form of meditation,” Zsolt explains. “They usually last between three or four hours and are a zone of spiritual engagement with the world.”

Zsolt’s recent interest in the Japanese tea ceremony was sparked after meeting with a ‘Tea Master’ in Hobart. However, it also stems from a long interest in Zen Buddism, plus his study of philosophy in which he gained a PHD.

“There is philosophy behind everything we do, even if we are not conscious about it,” Zsolt muses. “You look at pieces of art and it mobilizes your emotional life, your feelings, your ideas. And, when you step out of the gallery you take these feelings with you, and that helps enrich your life.”