melissa smith ― from there to here
A quarter century of printmaking will be on proud display as a survey of Melissa Smith’s art is unveiled this Thursday, in From There to Here at Launceston College. We witness the evolution of Melissa’s unique style from its starting point – a graphic self-portrait – to the ethereal landscapes that are her signature today.
“I just followed my passion, while always keeping my door open to new possibilities and influences, and my artistic development was a natural progression,” Melissa tells us. “I shifted from internal reflection to looking at the landscape and responding to that.”
Melissa is one of Tasmania’s most in-demand artists. Employing a process of layering, interpretation and a softer pallet, her landscapes evoke a meditative feel and echo the stories of the natural world around her.
But, she must also surely be one of Tasmania’s busiest artists. As Melissa puts the finishing touches on new works for a solo exhibition, Without a Sound, at the Devonport Regional Gallery in October, there is also an invitation to contribute 15 prints to an exhibition in regional Victoria next month.
So, what’s in store for the next 25 years: “Well after the last few months I am just looking forward to a good sleep-in and a break,” Melissa laughs. “But, after that I just want to keep on working. I have a passion to create that never stops.”