jock young ― landscape lovers

The chance to create immersed in the wild pristine coastline of the Bay of Fires with one of Tasmania’s top landscape painters, Jock Young, has been an unforgettable experience for ten art enthusiasts.

They recently returned home, tired but happy, following their four-day ‘Art Walk’ which was organised by the Tasmanian Walking Company in conjunction with Handmark Gallery.

Staying at the Bay of Fires Lodge, each morning the keen painters – who encompassed all levels of experience – ventured out for the day with their easels. Under the watchful eye of Jock they would paint the rugged beauty before them. After lunch, the group packed their paints for a small trek to a second location. And, at day’s end it would be a wine and drawing tutorial with Jock around a raging fire.

“I think those four days exceeded everyone’s expectations. The Bay of Fires is one of my favourite places in the world to paint, with it’s incredible orange-tinged boulders, gleaming white sand and amazing blue water,” Jock enthusiastically recalls. “And, during our ‘Art Walk’ we had that incredible changing Tasmanian weather, and a real energy in the pounding ocean which came out beautifully in everyone’s landscape paintings.”

But, don’t despair. If you missed out on this outing with Jock, there is always next May when this leading landscape painter will be conducting another ‘Art Walk’ to his favourite place in the world.