Alex White Printmaker
Tasmania is a constant source of inspiration to me. Whenever I feel a creative block, I know I can always head into the bush to develop ideas.
I am drawn to the wild and remote corners of this island. The history of these places is intriguing, especially the way people managed to survive and create a sanctuary amongst the wilderness.
My first body of work was a series of prints about the old high-country huts that provided shelter for trappers, drovers, miners and trekkers. I printed them on rough-hewn wood carvings to emphasise the ravages of time and weather that are destroying these beautifully significant old structures.
This work has also given me a greater purpose: A need to continue documenting the history and wild places of Tasmania. Being lucky enough to have grown up here has created a strong connection to place.
I began drawing at a young age and became interested in photography and printmaking in high school. Photography allowed me to create my own subject matter. After a brief stint at Art School, I worked various jobs to pay the bills, but my spare time is devoted to my passion for art.