upcoming exhibition ― faridah cameron

Revisiting her old stamping ground and seeing it though new eyes, sparked an artistic awaking in Faridah Cameron which prompted a beautiful body of new work.

Faridah spent formative years in the Northern Territory, but when she recently returned things were not as they had been. People and places had changed, but it was the desert which left the lasting impression. Faridah had only ever witnessed a dry outback, but heavy rain had transformed it into an inland sea teeming with life. She went home and painted. The results will soon be unveiled in her stunning solo exhibition; Life is Not Still.

Just like a desert mirage, things are not what they seem: “Gradually I realised that the paintings were not about place, but rather about the illusion of permanence. They are not about my journey back to the Northern Territory, but about the journey all of us are making through time and space, constantly adjusting to the new and unforeseen”.

Faridah steps into uncharted territory in Life is Not Still. In the six small works, her Stone Series, signature thread-like patterns give way to uninhibited watery delights. Stronger colours are replaced with translucent tinges of grey and blue as Faridah plays around with smooth stones and water. “The stones were just like the ones we used to pick up on Darwin’s beaches, but this time we couldn’t find any. Everything changes, but in the natural order beauty and harmony remain.”

Faridah Cameron’s Life is Not Still Exhibition runs from January 26 until February 12.