up-and-coming ― emerging artist exhibition

image details: mel aliendi, let’s just sit here for a bit…, 2024, acrylic on canvas, 53 x 43 cm


abbie whitton | alex white | chloe catto | eloise lark | esther touber | emi pavlides | frances malcomson | jacob o’shannassy | jade irvine | joshua smith | joy mendel | katelyn geard | max mueller | mel aliendi | patricia coombe | phoebe wood-ingram | philip james mylecharane | qom hart | rhi hamilton | sevé de angelis | sharon o’donnell


Our small island is bursting with creativity. And one of my greatest joys is unearthing and supporting new talent.

For the past 17 years Handmark has held an Emerging Artist Exhibition which is one of our most eagerly anticipated events. For the 2024 showing – which opens this Friday – we are unveiling 21 fantastic “new” Tasmanian artists. I am thrilled that writer, artist and storyteller, Andrew Harper will open this very diverse exhibition.

All have something unique to say. Unfortunately, we can only profile a handful in this newsletter, so why don’t you join us on Friday to see the full exciting story!

Allanah Dopson,