Mandy Renard ― ‘She Who Became The Sun’

Mandy Renard explores the full gamut of emotions in her new exhibition She Who Became the Sun.  Apart from striking female figures, she also takes us on a deeply personal journey.

Since her last Handmark exhibition in 2021, Mandy’s life has changed irrevocably. Her beloved mother passed away, and her youngest child is ready to flee the nest.  Not surprisingly, the themes of ‘transformation’ and ‘becoming’ inspired this body of work. “It felt natural to make an inventory of treasures from my time with these loved ones, acknowledge their impact and presence on my life, while also envisioning what’s next,” she tells us.

Mandy’s loss is laid bare in Hold me Closer, as a mother and daughter cling to each other: “Eventually, we all become our own mothers and learn how to guide and hold ourselves.” But we also feel joy in the vibrant red print, The Fruiting Body, where Mandy reminds us: “Everyone who has ever loved you is part of you no matter what. Hold them as treasures.”

While Mandy explores her inner self in this exhibition, she also hopes it will spark us to explore by “feeling inspired about our place in the eco-system of life and getting excited about dreaming up potential and possible futures.”