junko go ― me and my beautiful ugly white

The whimsical abstracts of Junko Go are not only beautiful creations but also contain beautiful messages. This is done to perfection in her Handmark exhibition – Me and My Beautiful Ugly White.

Amongst the rainbow of colours, white holds most fascination for Junko. And in these new works she explores her personal connection with this colour: “White is complex and multi-faceted. It has a myriad of shades that makes it a colour of endless possibilities, and a variety of symbolic meanings that makes it a powerful psychological tool.”

Peace is the over-arching message, and Junko’s inspiration was sparked after seeing a white flag raised in protest against war in Ukraine. “White is the colour that symbolises peace, and we all have a noble mission to promote peace.  As an artist, I thought it was my mission to do something white.”

In White has an Ability that No Other Colour Has, Junko challenges us to explore complexity within apparent simplicity. While, Emptiness is the Starting Point, implores us to discard preconceived notions. “I hope my works will serve as a reminder to appreciate the simple things in life. To be kind to each other, and to care for this beautiful planet.”