julie payne ― bruny island artists’ camp
Artist extraordinaire, Julie Payne, loves an adventure and is busy making plans for the next one on Bruny Island – and wants you to join her.
Julie is back on the big island after sketching her way around Bruny. With pencils in hand, she spent days hunting out inspirational places as reconnaissance for her upcoming Bruny Island Artists’ Camp.
Camp – a delicious combination of local produce, walking, glamping and of course art: “This will be a great adventure and we are going to record something that is extraordinarily beautiful,” Julie tells us. “With an incredible diversity of landscape, long beach walks, forests, and that wonderful historic lighthouse, Bruny is one of my favourite places for an Artists Camp.”
A collaboration between Handmark Gallery and Tasmanian Walking Company, Julie will lead the small group on walks through forests and along pristine beaches to special spots she has found where they will sketch and paint: a rocky cove overlooking Penguin Island, Cape Queen Elizabeth, and of course that lighthouse. “Like any artist, we will do quick on-site drawings or paintings and take photos so that we can work on composition, color, and finish the piece later on.”
Night’s will be spent at a tented camp enjoying exquisite meals and tales about local artists. But fun and friendship are also high on Julie’s agenda. “Every time I head to that beautiful island, I have the sense of taking a big, deep breath and going on an adventure.”
The Bruny Island Artists’ Camp will run from April 7-9, 2023. Numbers are strictly limited.