hadley’s orient hotel exhibition – the language of textiles: unravelling ornament

julie payne with her beautiful textiles.

Is there no end to the talents of Julie Payne? Sculptor, sketcher, furniture designer, architect and now seamstress extraordinaire. Julie is putting the finishing touches to a beautiful textile tableaux that comes with a dark message.

Fabric rabbits, cats and starfish surround a life-size mannequin topped with deer antlers and draped in a long intricate Victorian-era dress. Aptly names Invasive Species, Julie’s cloth creation reflects on the British occupation of Tasmania: “Early arrivals brought adornments, customs, possessions, animals, plants and other diverse forms of baggage for settlement. All were invasive to the indigenous landscape.”

Julie’s tableau is part of a nine artist exhibition, The Language of Textiles: Unravelling Ornament, which opens at Hadley’s Orient Hotel in Hobart, on November 25 until the 25 January, open 10:30am – 4pm daily. Joining Julie is jeweller Janine Combes, drawing on the lush décor of Hadley’s, and the European fascination with Chinoiserie, Janine has created a series of stunning brooches. Inspired by Chinese-style plates and crafted from delicate wire mesh to imitate the look of fine, woven fabric Janine’s jewellery transports us to faraway exotic lands.  Also be entranced by the works of Chantale Delrue and Jan Dineen.