diane allison — daring disarray

Information overload in modern life inspired the Incomplete Disarray of Handmark’s latest exhibition.

The relentless avalanche of social media. The endless bombardment of information. These are part and parcel of daily life. But, according to artist Di Allison they also “trigger feelings of disarray” and she reacts to the experience of being “overwhelmed by relentless information” with her aptly named – Incomplete Disarray exhibition.

The exhibition, which opened last Friday, is an interesting pivot for Di who has garnered widespread acclaim for her stunning handmade jewellery. In fact, Incomplete Disarray is her first solo outing “sans jewellery.” Instead she uses collage, mono-prints and photography to “disrupt our thoughts” and “provoke disarray.”

Three collages, Fake Muse #1, #2 and #3, challenge social media ideals of beauty. Glossy fashion magazine covers are sliced into pieces and reassembled in a new scrambled version of reality. In the collage Dress Ups those “icons of perfection” – Ken and Barbie – are also reborn in altered form.

Di also creates powerful word-grids using photographs she has taken over the years to share her view of a world in disarray. Notice Every Sign and Lone Cold Angel deliver urban prose. While Closed is Di’s reflection of a world shut down by COVID-19.

“I think Incomplete Disarray touches on a broad range of social issues,” Di muses. “But, above all it is my personal commentary on the day-to-day concerns we face as our lives are bombarded by endless information overload.”