Louise Davidson Artist

Most of my work is to do with the essential energy of nature. It forms my sense of spirituality, and my sense of reality.
I grew up in the beautiful environment of Cairns in North Queensland. From an early age, I had a sense of the spiritual power of nature. As an adult, that need for close contact with nature has stayed with me, and I now live in the equally stunning setting of Tasmania, sheltered under the palpable presence of Mount Wellington/kunanyi and close to the hills of the Midlands.
All of these landscapes have helped form the sense of spiritual energy that provides the wellspring for my art. I feel a sense of semi-isolation in Tasmania, being an island off an island. As an artist, I feel empowered and invigorated by being in this special enclave.
It is the dichotomy between this spiritual energy and human cultivation of the land that I try to represent in my work. My primary interest as a visual artist is in what is unseen and can only be felt. Even when I stray into the realm of still life imagery, the relationship between the forms speaks of my sense of a metaphysical existence over and above a material one.
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