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Ben Kurczok Maker

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We are so fortunate here in Tasmania to be able to source some of the world’s finest timbers and other natural resources.

I’ve always enjoyed working with Timber, and during high school was fortunate to undertake work experience with, luthier, Strato Anagnostis at his Bream Creek studio.

On leaving high school, I took on a traineeship with the then – Tasmanian Kaleidoscope Company and further studies in design, which eventually led to my taking on the business myself. I’ve enjoyed developing the business, not to mention designing a couple of my own kaleidoscopes.

I love to reflect the nature of Tasmania’s pristine wilderness through my work: the crystal-clear air and water, the beauty of the natural rainforests, and the remoteness of some of the areas you will find these treasures in. Our lifestyle in Tasmania is also one of my treasures. The relaxed culture allows me to focus on my biggest priorities – my family, faith, and art.

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