Andrew Halford


The aesthetics of Japan pervades every aspect of Andrew’s art. Since an early age, he knew his future lay with clay, and years spent in Japan studying under the famous masters, Shimaoka Tatsuzo and Shimada Haruo, shaped Andrew’s destiny. The gentleness and clean natural beauty of ‘Mingei’ folk art, became his guiding principle: “This is about freeing your heart and mind of ego to bring a magical balance and gentleness in the pieces you create.”

Today, Andrew finds himself living in the splendid isolation of Tasmania’s Far South. Nature is his inspiration, and experimentation with new glazes made from finely crushed cyanide rock, produces a striking subliminal beauty. Three major porcelain pieces hold centre stage, including Reflection which is smothered in an opalescent gold that absorbs the rich colours of its surrounds. This glorious piece emanates a semi-precious quality. The bud-like shape stolen from nature.

Ceramics is an extension of Andrew’s heart and soul. In Japan he once spent two years making the same cup again and again until it became an instinctive process. “You cannot learn ceramics. It is only something that gets achieved after a lifetime of making, making, making, and focus, focus, focus.” Now at the age of 69, this ceramics master is “at the stage of life where I am producing my most important work.”