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Sandy Wrightson Jeweller

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Designing and making jewellery is my creative expression and joy.

Throughout the early part of my life, I explored a wide range of crafts and artistic mediums. I didn’t pursue metal work seriously until later in life, when I studied at TAFE to gain the basic skill to set up my own workshop. I haven’t looked back since.

I continue to attend workshops and private class whenever topics take my fancy, and my skills and style continue to develop through exploration. Much of my work is inspired by the objects and patterns that I’m drawn to in nature – the gentle curves of Tasmania’s north coast grass trees, the spirals of the alpine pandanis, or the curvaceous surface of giant kelp.

Tasmania is where much of my art begins – exploring some corner of the Tasmanian landscape, discovering the elements that intrigue me, then returning to my workshop to reinterpreting them in metal or clay.

I enjoy working with simple forms – curve lines, loose spirals, and curved surfaces. I’m also intrigued by surface patterns, particularly the aesthetics of text. My work is typically minimal and refined.

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